Get Involved

We are looking for passionate people, dedicated organisations, thought leaders and experts to join us to achieve our mission to catalyse, convene & curate new conversations needed for unleash powerful and innovative policy changes to support the tech sector in the UK.

There are many ways to get involved, from signing up as a “Friend of CFTech”, becoming a Partner organisation for events and roundtables, or bringing your expertise to the table

Partner with us:

Our Partner Organisations enable the CFT to act on its mission. Our partners enable us to host high impact events, to introduce expert speakers to in-depth discussions, to host roundtables with influential politicians, and work with us to address the most important issues in tech - always working to maintain the UK as a world leader in tech.

Thought Leaders:

We are always excited to hear from thought leaders and field experts to lead or join our in-depth discussions. If you are an expert in tech, or have ideas on how the Government could improve we would love to hear from you.

Friends of CFTech:

Our CFT Friends enable us to drive our work forward and to unleash exciting and innovative policy ideas for the UK tech sector. You can become a Friend of CFT for free, and receive advance notice of our events, newsletters, and have your chance to feed in to tech policy recommendations.


The Operations team of the Conservative Friends of Tech are all volunteers, and are committed to growing the organisation so that it can fulfil its vision and aims.  To do this, we rely on donations from patrons and organisations. We use donations for administration costs and events. Please be aware, in order to maintain transparency, all donations will be recorded and accepted in compliance with electoral commission rules. You can find these here.

Email us on to find out more